This is a manga originaly created by me, for now this manga still in Progress, Character, Stories, and also Backgrounds concept.
Manga story that based in Fantasy world, Adventure, Action, Science fiction, and importing popular legendary from around the world.
Tittle : Nebula
Nebula is from latin words, Nebulae, meaning of `dust`, almost same like a mist, what i know Nebula is a dust in space that created after Supernova, and supernova is a big explosion, happened after the death of a star.
Nebula (space dust) almost same like galaxy, the different is material contain betwen them, Nebula had similar like galaxy system, contains billions of solar system. Astronomy believes Nebula had unique patern and siluet that reflected to their names, examples `Crab-nebula`.
Based with `Fantasy-space` stories, i`m planing this manga for exploring more about universe, and i`m really excited about imagine something like `space adventure`stuff. in other words, this story will not meeting againts high-futuristic-technologies, but im keep them in Middle-aged-eras (almost like Teutonic eras) ofcourse based into Myth and Legends.
Character in the below was a main character for this stories, atleast 9 characters, they all pratagonist characters, few of them was antagonist in begining but where-ever the stories is flow they changed into pratagonist. They all still in concept, maybe there is few change in apreance, face, hairstyle, costume, or maybe their names, before i make to the storie panels, difficult.. yes, i must make it carefuly.
I designed for each character must be connected each others, they had different backgrounds and abilities. There is another pratagonist-character im planed, so.. stay touch in my blog :)